A Year of Thanks

1 post a day for 365 days showing gratitude

relaxing November 16, 2010

Filed under: books and reading — courtsbrogno @ 7:20 pm

I came home from work today, cleaned up the house a bit, ate dinner with Maddie, cleaned my desk and looked at the looming pile of papers waiting, just waiting,  to be graded. It was only 5 p.m. so I just picked up 3 from the pile and started to read.

I finished. Looked at the rest  Decided to call it a night.

The papers will get graded soon, but not tonight.

Instead I took a bath and started reading book two of Harry Potter.

I’m thankful for my decision. This is turning out to be one of the most relaxing nights I’ve had in a long time.


One Response to “relaxing”

  1. GEW Says:

    Sounds fantastic! Good choice. I have big stacks if grading and no meetings today. But I think the papers will have to wait while I work on dissertation stuff. Not as relaxing as Harry Potter, but still better than grading. Sort of. Glad you had a nice evening.

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