A Year of Thanks

1 post a day for 365 days showing gratitude

a thrilling/nerve-wracking/what-am-I-doing endeavor February 22, 2012

Filed under: favorites,work — courtsbrogno @ 1:43 pm

Naps are good. I love them. Usually I love them because I get a few more hours of sleep in the day, and nothing feels better than curling up on my bed, in the sunlight, and dozing off for an hour or so.

But sometimes naps provide inspiration via dreams.

Or so I’ve been told. It’s never really happened to me unless you consider a dream of me making out with Jeff Tweedy inspirational (and in a way, it is inspirational, but also hugely disappointing once I awake).

But then something happened the other day. I was taking a nap–a really short nap, I think I had only been asleep for about 20 minutes–when an idea came to me. A good idea. An inspiration.

Well, that’s not entirely true. For a few days I had all these ideas in my head–from President Obama’s State of the Union address to a student commenting on the un-importance of writing due to SIRI to a fan letter I sent–but they were just ideas, things I was thinking about, but during my nap, it all came together: an idea, a creative endeavor.

I’m going to write a book. Non-fiction.Concerning writing and reading.

Sounds boring, doesn’t it?

But it won’t be. In my nap state, everything came together with such clarity. I knew how I wanted to write it, how I wanted it to look, and the overall purpose of it.

The feeling was exhilarating.

But then came the logistics: while I know I can write this, I also know that I’m going to need help, probably from an agent or a publishing group. And not necessarily in terms of money, but more in the ways of making connections. So, I thought. And thought. And thought. And I came to realize:

 I am nobody. It’s true. I have no real ethos for this kind of endeavor, except for a few articles I’ve written and a book that I myself have termed “incredibly shitty.” What I do have is passion and a deeply rooted sense that I can do this. But I doubt I can sell myself on this alone.

So I thought. And thought some more. And I realized:

I am somebody. And I believe in myself and this project. I can do this if I set my mind to it.

And I thought and thought some more and realized that I’m going to need a few chapters written before I start pitching my idea and trying to sell myself as a writer. So I called some friends, and they believed in me, and helped me see the connections I already do have.

So, here I go. An idea I believe in. A hope that some friends can connect me to a few important people. Some time to write a few great chapters. An overwhelming sense of fear that I’ve just added one more thing to my already busy life, but a feeling that it’ll be worth it in the end.

Because I care about the arts and I feel creative and I want to encourage creativity, and for the first time in my life, I really believe in myself and my ability.

Wish me luck.


4 Responses to “a thrilling/nerve-wracking/what-am-I-doing endeavor”

  1. Jen Says:

    I think that will be a great book. I probably wont read it BUT you already could’ve guessed that.

  2. christine Says:

    I WILL READ IT!!! …will it help me pick up on ways to actually teach reading & writing??? Because as much as I love to write–it is SO HARD TO TEACH it!!!! 8 year olds just look at me blankly…lol

    Hooray!! :]

    CALL ME.

  3. I know you can do it. You Are Amazing. Some of my favorite books are on that very subject (Henry Miller “On Writing” and “The Books of My LIfe” and Francine Prose “Reading Like A Writer.” I think you should pitch the idea first on Kickstarter. kickstarter.com to raise some funds. Then write a couple chapters and pitch a publishing company. OR you could consider having friends edit and publish it yourself. Well, all the details will fall into place.
    I was thinking of you the other day because I want us to finish our novels, our terrible novels. Can we do that for each other? But–you have the exigency for this project right now, and that’s what it takes.
    If anyone can do it, Courtney, you can.
    And I would read it. I’ll edit it! xo

  4. Denise Says:

    What an amazing thing to have happen to you………I love you and believe in you. I am glad you believe in yourself too.

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